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Happy Birthday my beloved one.
I love you the most just like the sun.
May your future be blooming like a flower so far
May your life be bright like a shining star
May all your pace ahead with great bravery
And all may many Happy Birthday
May my dearest friend possess a very long life
And celebrate your Birthday with our love all night

Wishes for Someone That I Love :-

Let me sing you a love song
About what I feel in my heart;
Butterflies can't find nectar
Whenever we're apart.
You're a flower in bloom.
In the dark, in the gloom,
It's you who brightens my day.
How many ways do I need you?
Every day, every way, come what may.

You're one in a million, my most special one;
Your radiant smile is as bright as the sun;
You're smart and caring and have many great charms,
And my heart really sings when you're wrapped in my arms.
I'm happy you chose me from all of the rest,
And I'm proud 'cause I know that I got the best.
You're so cute and sweet, and you glow like a pearl;
I just love you so much, my most wonderful girl!

I love you for the warm, sweet affection
in your eyes
whenever you look at me,
and the special smile
you save only for me.
I love that you always seek
to have your body close to mine,
reaching out to touch,
to hold my hand,
to wrap your arms around me.
I love how you show me you care
by looking for ways
to make my life easier and more comfortable.
I love that when I ask you to do things,
you try to do them
instead of thinking me demanding.
I love that your favorite place is near me,
that you’d rather be with me
than anywhere else.
I love you for more reasons
than this page has space to write,
so I’ll try to tell you and show you in person
all the things I love about you.

I had many loves before I met you,
interesting loves,
companionable, fun-loving,
comfortable loves,
but only one real love, unique love...
like you.
No one made my heart pound,
my skin damp, my being juicy
through and through...
like you.
None left me breathless,
panting with excitement,
satisfaction, and finally peace,
like you.
Before you, there were others,
but none captured
my mind, heart and soul forever...
like you.

I always yearn to come to you,
be with you,
connect with you,
unite with you,
merge with you.
I always love to nurture you,
nourish you,
meet your needs,
feed your hungers.
I will always cherish you,
treasure you,
adore you.
I aways want to be yours,


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